Vince Callas

Owner of the Noctem

Writer is 21+

TW: Blood, Violence, Death, Kidnapping


Name: Vincent "Vince" CallasAge: 33Born: UnknownSex: MaleHeight: 6'4"Species: Human (formerly), Parasite (present)Orientation: HeterosexualStatus: Alive


Vince Callas is the feared owner of the mysterious, traveling nightclub historically known as The Noctem.Never staying in one place for too long, the venue teleports all around the globe, hiding dark secrets revealed only to Vincent and a select group of immortal elites. Having created a safe-haven for vampires and other nefarious entities alike, he has innumerable allies involved in the black market, Hollywood industries, and the underbelly of the supernatural world.Although he may seem like a charming gentleman with his own set of unique principles, Vincent is a highly narcissistic and cunning serial killer that only cares about power and living forever. He regards humanity with cold disdain, predominantly acts out of his own selfish ambition, and will do anything and everything to stay alive, even at the expense of those he is supposedly closest to.

The Noctem

The Noctem (known to mortals as the Fountain of Youth) is a real, physical space created from within Vincent's mind that changes shape to cater to the supernatural and magical communities of the world.It never stays in one location for too long, appearing as a single doorway or an entire building at odd hours of the night to individuals that are dissatisfied with their lives before vanishing without a trace.There is no limit to the space nor styles featured within the club, exhibiting numerous bars from various time periods, hidden rooms, high-ceilinged dance floors, luxury service, lounges, and lively entertainment.It is rumored to have been around since the late 1840s to early 1850s, but those who have been alive long enough to remember its origin are wont to embellish the details, never getting them quite right over the years.As a manifestation of Vincent's mind, The Noctem compels all mortals who step inside to stay and lose track of time. Humans who are unfortunate enough to fall into the trap usually end up in a catatonic state, drinking and dancing until they drop or fall victim to the countless vampires in their midst.Those who are capable of exiting are free to do so, but once the club is out of sight it can only be found again by word of mouth, teleportation, or telepathic clues. No matter where the club travels, however, everyone returns to the place from whence they came, if they can manage to leave at all.


➤ Telepathy: Vincent's telepathy enables him to communicate thoughts and ideas through the mind as well as detect information like the emotions and memories of an individual. Although he cannot read specific thoughts unless he is physically in contact with someone or inside The Noctem, his intuition is usually spot-on.➤ Teleportation / Portal Creation: Due to Vincent's prowess in this particular area The Noctem is capable of teleporting all over the globe. With the nightclub in tow he can also teleport individually anywhere he wants in the world, creating portals and doorways into the club as he sees fit.➤ Mind Control / Possession: He requires only a moment to take control of the actions of weak-minded individuals. This power does not apply to everyone but can affect and influence numerous people all at once, compelling them to function a certain way without ever necessarily understanding why.➤ Superhuman Speed / Strength: Vincent can easily tear people apart, ripping off limbs and heads with considerable ease. Furthermore, he is blindingly quick and able to move faster than the eye can blink.➤ Regeneration: After suffering critical or mortal wounds Vincent can heal at an accelerated rate. His body is capable of taking enormous damage and begins to repair itself almost immediately after being wounded. His approximate speed of recovery varies greatly, however, depending on factors like the severity of the injuries themselves and whether or not they are fatal.➤ Telekinetic Cutting / Shattering: Vincent can shatter a large variety of materials as well as sever objects with his mind alone. This allows him to cut through flesh and even steel without raising a finger.➤ Metal / Electricity Manipulation & Telekinesis: His power over electricity is exceedingly strong; it applies to not only electronics and equipment but also to living things, permitting Vincent to affect the movement and positions of people or objects like telekinesis. The voltage of this power is akin to a lightning strike, high enough to fry the brain or completely stop the nervous system from operating altogether. In extreme situations this power can manifest as beams of pure, laser-like energy, which usually takes on a bright blue or purplish magenta color.

Warnings & Disclaimers

This account is 21+ and mainly fandomless, although it does feature mature, horror themes that are subject to appear at any time, including but not limited to explicit blood/gore, kidnapping, child death, intense depictions of murder, psychological torture, and dismemberment, references to mental illness, insanity, and manipulation, etc. If any of these themes make you uncomfortable feel free to unfollow or block as I will not be offended.Please be aware that the presence of these topics does not mean I, as the writer, condone or approve of the aforementioned content as everything I write is implemented for the sake of storytelling or SL development. I will not entertain any plots concerning lewd themes, smut, or hatred towards any group on the basis of gender, race, religion, sexual identity/orientation, etc.This character was made for a planned SL with my mutuals so shipping is highly unlikely, but should any chemistry arise I wouldn't be closed-minded.All GIFs and art are not mine unless stated otherwise (usually by means of a watermark). Screencaps, video edits (including the pinned edit), and all layouts are created by the writer.If you are interested in plotting please feel free to send a DM. Random interactions/mentions are always welcome as I am a friendly writer, but replies may take some time depending on my schedule. If I do not get back to you in a timely manner please know that I am not ignoring you. I get very busy, and real life obligations tend to pull me away from my writing on the daily. However any mentions I get will be read in-depth and highly appreciated as I will always do my best to reply to everyone.Thank you for reading!